
Luchien [TV seriál]

1 minut, 26 epizod

Obsah filmu Luchien

Animovaný 3D seriál pro děti v předškolního veku od 3-5 let.

Belgičtí animátoři představují animovaný seriál krátkých 3D shortů o přátelství a dobrodružství hnědého psa jménem Luchien a jeho ptačího kamaráda papouška Gabina.

Luchien je řada jednominutových krátkých animovaných filmů založených na spojení situační komedie a burlesky. Pes Luchien je konfrontován s humornými situacemi. V humorných situacích je doprovázen šibalským papouškem jménem Gabin, jenž v sobě spojuje střídající lenost a bezmeznou energii.

Autor: rimeon
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[TV seriál]
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Hodnocení: 10 / 10
Přidáno: 5.7.2015
Hlavni hrdinove :
* pes   Luchien
* papousek Gabin

01. Titanic / Luchien   se potapi
02. ridding horse / jezdectvi na koni /   kolotoc
03. A dog that steals / pes , ktery   krade
04. boxing club / v boxerskem ringu
05.   like An Eagle / jako orel
06. the christmas tree   / vanocni stromecek
07. saving paper / setri   papirem
08. working artist / pracovní umělec /   malir
09. pianist / klavirista
10. dishes /   poradek po pokrmech , myti nadobi
11. duel /   souboj
12. archery / tir a l'arc / lukostrelec /   lukostrelba
13. fishing / rybolov
14. mimic /   imitator
15. shadow / stin
16. brush / kartac ,   smetak
17. rocket / raketa
18. cockware /   vareni
19. drein / bowling s melounem
20. thief   / zlodej
21. clock / hodiny
22. treats /   nadilka
23. gardener / zahradnik
24. rain /   dest
25. poul vault / skok o tyci / sen o   sporte
26. skating / skateovani

Seznam epizod   s popisem   deja
EN /   english/

The sun is shining and   Luchien is relaxing on an inflatable chair in the   middle of the pool. He opens his eyes and the sun   is dazzling. He seeks his sunglasses on his head   but they are not there. He looks around and sees   them at the edge of the pool. He tries to reach   them while still on his chair but it’s too far.   He calls out to Gabin, who is sitting quietly on a   chair beside the pool. He asks him to bring his   glasses. Gabin doesn’t really want to, but   complies eventually. He grabs the glasses in his   beak, and flies to Luchien. He rests on the arm of   the inflatable chair, but his claws pierce through   it…

Luchien gestures to   Gabin that he wants a helmet. Gabin doesn’t want   to go get it for him. Luchien shows him he has his   boots on and so he can’t go inside to get it   himself. Gabin goes and gets Luchien his helmet.   Luchien looks satisfied, takes his whip and walks   away with a confident air.
We see him riding on a   carousel horse, giving gentle taps with the whip   to a small wooden horse. Gabin looks up a sighs   (there was no need for him to fetch the helmet   after all...) But then, Luchien rides out of the   arena on the horse ... Gabin looks   shocked.

Luchien walks dangerously   close to the edge of a cliff. He looks down. Gabin   has a fear of heights and dares not look. He   throws a stone into the vacuum and listens to the   sound of it hit the bottom. Gabin shows Luchien   that the stone is too big and too heavy and will   not fly. We then see Luchien wearing a small   aviator helmet. He holds a large triangle above   his head and runs to the edge of the windy cliff   edge.
He throws himself off the cliff shouting   “YAOUUUUUUUU”. He disappears into the vacuum   and we see two small feathers in the wind. The   triangle frame remains intact and we see Gabin   flapping his wings at full speed, trying to bring   Luchien back to safety.

Luchien   is sitting on a stool in a boxing-ring, wearing   boxing gloves. He is leaning back on ropes that   surround the ring. He has a black eye. Gabin is   his coach. He is perched on the ropes and   encourages him to fight by miming punches. Gabin   gestures for a break and brings Luchien some   water. Gabin then hits a gong to signal another   match. Luchien does not want to go again. Gabin   hits the gong several times. Luchien rises   painfully, takes his guard and advances towards a   party balloon…
He punches the balloon but it   flies back at him forcefully. Luchien is stunned   and falls over. Gabin stands over him and begins   to count 1,2,3,4 ......

EP05 RAPACE (To   Evaide?)
Luchien is surrounded by nature   in a vast prairie. He stretches his arm out and we   discover Gabin, perched on his arm wearing an   aviator hat and flying goggles. Luchien looks up   and launches Gabin into the air. He looks around   left and right but does not see Gabin in the sky.   He looks up and down but still no Gabin.
He   stretches out his arm again and we see Gabin is   clinging to it with his claws.
Luchien looks off   to the distance and launches Gabin in the sky   again. He looks up again but he can’t see Gabin.   He calls Gabin with a whistle, then a trumpet, a   horn, a drum, a bomb, but Gabin doesn’t appear.   He walks away and we see Gabin is clinging to his   back, looking at the camera.

Christmas decor. We see a tree with a   beautiful garland around it. Luchien puts a wreath   on it but the lights won’t work. He finds that   he is missing one bulb. He searches through a box   on the floor. He shakes the box but there is   nothing inside. He is growing impatient.
Gabin   arrives and Luchien explains the situation with   mimes and gestures. They both sit and think. An   idea light bulb appears over Gabin’s head.   Luchien unscrews it and takes it off.
Gabin lands   on a branch of the tree and plugs in the tree. The   lights start flashing along with another light   over Gabin’s head.

Luchien is asleep at the foot of a tree. He   snores. Gabin is lying beside him and snoring also   (Luchien inhales, Gabin exhales). A dead leaf   falls from the tree on to Luchien; he awakes. He   touches the leave but it does not move…he   touches it again and still nothing. He listens to   its heart and, frightened, awakens Gabin. He   explains the leaf is dead. Luchien tries to listen   to its heart. It makes a faint beat. He listens to   it’s breathing – nothing at all. He quickly   grabs two small mushrooms and rubs them together.   He puts the mushrooms on the leaf to try and   jump-start its heart. The leaf does not return to   life.
Worse, it crumbles to dust.

Luchien is trying to paint a portrait ...   we do not see that he has painted. His model is   Gabin, who strikes a pose on a perch. Luchien   shows Gabin the pose and then returns to his   place. Gabin cannot keep the pose Luchien wants,   his wings keep slipping down. He does not like   being the model. They try a new pose. We see the   finished painting, without Gabin in it! Luchien   has painted an empty cage.

Luchien dons a concert tailcoat. He   adjusts his bow tie in front of the mirror. He   adjusts his sleeves. He moves his fingers like a   pianist.
We see a piano stool. He calls Gabin to   adjust the height of the stool. Gabin turns it   with his beak. Luchien sits down, throwing back   his tailcoat. Gabin brings him what looks like   sheet music. He slips it into a typewriter (that   we do not immediately see). Turns out Luchien will   be typing! (There is a sound effect of   typing)

Gabin is doing the   dishes. He wipes the plates and puts them in a big   stack in front of him. He asks Luchien to put them   away. Luchien takes the stack of ten plates and   goes to store them away (it is assumed that he is   taking them to a cabinet). We hear the sound of a   plate breaking. Gabin looks surprised. Then there   is the sound of a second plate smashing. Gabin   sighs. Then a third plate breaks. Gabin anxiously   peers into the next room. We see Luchien throwing   the plates towards the cabinet like a discus   thrower. The plates break, on after another. Gabin   looks into the camera.

Luchien and   Gabin and are seated opposite each other in   outdoor setting.
There is music playing in the   style of Sergio Leone. There are close ups on   their eyes, squinting like in a western film.   Close ups of their hands. The picture expands and   we see a big slice of birthday cake in the middle   of the table. We quickly find that there is only   one fork and that this is in fact a duel. Their   eyes pan over the fork and the cake. Tension   mounts. Luchien flexes his hands like a cowboy   about to take out a gun. Gabin spreads out his   wings. Luchien makes a swift move. He grins with   satisfaction and proudly displays the fork. Gabin   makes a more rapid movement and takes the slice of   cake and gobbles it up.
Luchien looks very   confused.

Luchien and Gabin sit   on small stools for fishing. They are preparing   their lines. Luchien proudly shows Gabin his new   fishing rod. He shows him how long it is. Gabin   proudly pulls out his rod. It is small. Luchien   laughs at seeing it. Gabin shows him how long his   line is. Luchien takes out a large ornate hook and   attaches it to the end of his line. Gabin takes   out a smaller hook which Luchien scoffs at.   Luchien throws his line with a sweeping gesture,   looking at Gabin. Gabin casts his line.
We see   that they are sitting at the edge of a   children’s amusement pond, with small yellow   rubber ducks that have hooks on their   heads.

Luchien puts an   Indian headdress on his head. He notices that it   is missing a feather. He plucks a small feather   from one of Gabin’s wings. Gabin lets out a   small cry. Luchien puts his head dress on and   picks up his bow and arrow. Gabin does the same.   They both get in to position. Luchien raises his   bow and arrow, shoots and misses the target. Gabin   casually does the same and hits the centre of his   target. Luchien looks like he’s concentrating.   He holds his bow and arrow, shoots and misses   again. Gabin does the same and hits the centre   again! The same happens a third time.
The camera   zooms out and we see that Luchien’s target is   very far away, while Gabin’s is right beside   him!

Gabin is on his perch,   Luchien in his recliner. There is a sound of the   garden gate. They open it but nobody is there.   Gabin and Luchien look at each other, surprised.   Luchien sits in his chair. There is a fart noise.   He looks to Gabin. He takes his glass. There is a   sound of Luchien drinking his coffee before he   actually drinks it. There is the sound of   everything just before it happens!

There is a   sound of him putting down his glass just before he   does it. He looks confused. Gabin is making the   noises, more frequently now! The final sounds are   impossible, a mermaid, an alien, a jackhammer, and   they all appear.
In the end there is the sound of   a dive-bomber from Gabin’s perch. He goes crazy   with his imitations.

Luchien   settles into his recliner, it's the end of the   afternoon. He falls asleep quickly. Time passes   and we see the sun set in the background.
It is now completely dark and Luchien still   sleeping. Suddenly, a there is a noise and he   jolts awake. He is surprised by the darkness and   the strange noise that woke him up.
He tries to   turn the lamp on the table next to him, but   without success. He hears a squeak and turns his   head. The garden gate closes. Panicked, he picks   franticly at the light switch, but still nothing.   It refuses to turn on. A new noise diverts his   attention. He turns his head and sees an ominous   shadow on the wooden walls of the garden. He   violently tries the light switch and it finally   lights. We discover before the wall of the garden,   Gabin. He is surprised by the bright light, which   is now shining on him. He holds a plate of   spaghetti in one hand and a fork in the other.   Behind him, the shadow looks like a   monster...

Luchien and   Gabin are outside. They are cold and bored.   Luchien carelessly puts his foot on the snow. He   has an idea. He goes on the snow again and motions   for Gabin to follow. They are in front of a wood   shed. The door is open and inside you can see   brushes, a shovel, an umbrella, a garden table,   loungers, etc… Luchien looks at the brushes and   asks Gabin to choose one. Gabin grabs on and hands   it to Luchien, who examines it and replaces it. It   is not suitable. Gabin does not understand. He   grabs another brush and hands it to Luchien. It is   not suitable. Gabin does not understand and   motions to Luchien what he wants to do with the   brush? Luchien simple motions back that he wants   to sweep.
Luchien goes off and motions that he   will be back. He returns holding an iron.
Gabin   is confused.
We find Luchien on a frozen surface.   He holds the iron in his right hand and throws it   like a curler. He orders Gabin to use the brush to   play curling.

Luchien stands   in front of a small shelf in the garden shed. He   grabs a pingpong racket. He swings it three times   and seems satisfied. Gabin perches on the shelf   and motions that he does not want to play ping   pong. Luchien looks at the racket. He sees the   handle of a tennis racket. He tries to grab it but   he can’t reach. He asks Gabin to get it. Gabin   brings it to him and Luchien tests it like a   professional tennis player. He asks Gabin to look   for another one. Gabin brings back another racket   of the same size. Luchien smiles.
We see Luchien coming out of the garden   shed, waking strangely. There is a wide ship and   we see that he is wearing the tennis rackets as   snowshoes. Gabin watches him walk away,   disappointed.

Luchien carries   a huge pile of pots and pans. The pile barely   balances.
He passes Gabin, who is lazing on his   recliner. Gabin stares after him and looks   confused as to what Luchien is doing. Luchien   stumbles and all the pots and pans fall. Gabin   does not look surprised and shakes his head.   Luchien sits among his pots and pans. He has an   idea. Gabin’s eyes follow. Luchien passes him   and he leaves the garden and returns from the   opposite direction carrying a large wooden spoon   in his hand. Gabin looks on in amazement. Luchien   moves behind the pile of pots. He starts hitting   the spoon off them…TAM TAM TAM TAM TAM TA-LING   KLI-KLING KLING DAM BA BA BA DAM DAM…

Luchien Gabin and are in the garden shed.   Gabin shows Luchien he must put the garbage in a   box. Luchien runs away in protest.
Gabin   goes out of the garden shed and settles in his   recliner. He falls asleep and looks peaceful.   Luchien sneaks past, behind him. He does in the   opposite direction and looks satisfied. He holds   in his hand, a large melon. He takes care not to   waken Gabin. He hits off a bottle and knocks it   over. It makes a noise. Gabin straightens up and   looks in the direction of the garden shed. We see   Luchien arranging the bottles. He throws the melon   at the bottles, and they all fall over. STRIKE.   Gabin is not impressed.

Luchien   is in his recliner. He holds in his hand, a big   piece of cheese (Emmental, with holes!) Just when   he is about to take a bite, Gabin steals the   cheese and lands on a wire. Luchien looks up to   Gabin. He flatters him, makes bows, etc. This does   not work. He then grabs a shovel. Gabin does not   believe his eyes…he finds Luchien balancing on   the wire! Gabin moves away as Luchien approaches   him. In a last ditch effort; Luchien tries to take   a big step. Gabin, sensing danger, flies away.   Luchien loses his balance and we find him hanging   by his feet, upside down.

Luchien   is on his recliner, taking a nap. Gabin is sitting   on a room in the garden shed, upstairs. Looking   impatiently, he takes out his pocket watch of its   plumage and looks at the time. He puts on his   watch and shows impatience. He looks at his watch   again, looks at the window and paws at the ground.   Then, at first, he seems satisfied. He hops off   his seat and heads to the door. Outside, Luchien   is still asleep. In the background, Gabin is seen   through a small door in the shed, he cuckoos and   the door closes. Luch

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