Popis / Obsah / Info k filmu Addamsova rodina - V New YorkuSEZNAM DÍLů: <BR><BR>1. Addamsova rodina v New Yorku (The Addams Family in New York) <BR>2. - (Follow That Loaf of Bread) <BR>3. - (Left in the Lurch) <BR>4. - (The Boola Boola) <BR>5. - (The Fastest Creepy Camper in the West) <BR>6. - (The Mardi Gras Story) <BR>7. - (Aloha Hoolamagoola) <BR>8. - (The Reluctant Astronauts - Trip to the Moon) <BR>9. - (The Great Balloon Race) <BR>10. - (The Circus Story) <BR>11. - (Ghost Town) <BR>12. - (The Addams Family at Sea) <BR>13. - (The Voodoo Story) <BR>14. - (The Roller Derby Story) <BR>15. - (The Addams Go West) <BR>16. - (The Addams Family at the Kentucky Derby) <BR>17. - (Happyester Fester) <BR>18. - (Beware of Thing) <BR>19. - (Dead and Breakfast) <BR>20. - (The Day Gomez Failed) <BR>21. - (Girlfriendstein) <BR>22. - (Pugsley By the Numbers) <BR>23. - (N.J. Addams) <BR>24. - (A Thing Is Born) <BR>25. - (Fester's Diary) <BR>26. - (Choke and Dagger) <BR>27. - (Sir Pugsley) <BR>28. - (Festerman) <BR>29. - (Art to Art) <BR>30. - (Puttergeist) <BR>31. - (FTV) <BR>32. - (It's Over) <BR>33. - (Hide and Go Lurch) <BR>34. - (Hook, Line and Stinkers) <BR>35. - (A Sword Fightin' Thing) <BR>36. - (Addams Family PTA) <BR>37. - (Little Big Thing) <BR>38. - (Metamorphosister) <BR>39. - (Little Bad Riding Hood) <BR>40. - (Color Me Addams) <BR>41. - (No Ifs, Ands or Butlers) <BR>42. - (Jack and Jill and the Beanstalk) <BR>43. - (Festerman Returns) <BR>44. - (Hand Delivered) <BR>45. - (Sweetheart of a Brother) <BR>46. - (Double O Honeymoon) <BR>47. - (Then Came Granny) <BR>48. - (Pet Show Thing) <BR>49. - (Fester Sings the Fester Way) <BR>50. - (Camp Addams) <BR>51. - (Little Doll Lost) <BR>52. - (King of the Polycotton Blues) <BR>53. - (A Girl and a Ghoul) <BR>54. - (A Little Bit of Pugsley) <BR>55. - (Ask Granny)
Popis / Obsah / Info k filmu Addamsova rodina - V New YorkuSvůj děsuplný starý dům změnili v neméně strašidelný karavan a cestují s ním po celé zemi. Stanou se obyvateli Central Parku, osvobodí zvířata v zoo a podstoupí bitvu s Démony.
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